Dapper, Deferred execution, IQueryable, Async, ToListAsync and buffered
Dapper is an awesome Micro ORM and generally works the way I’d expect it to, and very quickly, but I fell into a little rabbit hole recently when using Dapper with async in C#, and I thought I’d document what I found out in a mini-post.
When using the
extension method in Dapper, the default is to set buffered = true which executes the query asynchronously into a list as part of the method call, and means you don’t need to worry about asynchronously streaming the results back to the client when iterating them.
My Question
If I write the following code:
var result = await connection.QueryAsync<int>("some query");
var list = result.ToList();
Dapper returns an IEnumerable
The slightly more detailed answer
The answer to this is no. Basically dapper queries include an optional buffered parameter on their interface which denotes whether the query should load data into a list within the method call, and prevents result streaming through deferred execution when the results are subsequently used. Whats more, the default value for buffered is true, so by default all async dapper queries will execute asynchronously.
If you explicitly set the buffered parameter to false e.g.
var result = await connection.QueryAsync<int>("some query", buffered: false);
var list = result.ToList();
You will get the opposite effect, the results will stream back synchronously when they are iterated and negate most of the use of making the query async (unless your results are faster to read out than your query is to execute).
This is something to be aware of if you are using Dapper with huge resultsets too as it will mean all that data is streamed into memory at once by default, and you need to set the query so it is not buffered if you wish to make it work in a large dataset friendly way.